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中国 - 北京市/北京市   100-499人
企业最近登录 : 2024-04-06

坐落在世界第二大经济体的首都, 在过去的10年里, 「孩子的故事」在中国境内开设了十所国际幼儿园,其中9所位于北京, 1所位于成都。目前「孩子的故事」有在园学生1200多名, 聘用了300多名教师。每个班级有20~26名学生, 1名教育教学经验丰富的外籍教师和3名中籍教师。目前,更多的老师和孩子们正从世界各地加入我们的幼儿园。
Located in the capital of the world’s second-largest economy, Children’s Tales has opened nine campuses in Beijing and one in Cheng Du in the past 10 years. We currently have over 1200 students and employ over 300 teachers. Each class has between 20 - 26 students, 1 lead foreign teacher, and 3 aids. Teachers and children join our kindergarten from around the world.

对「孩子的故事」而言,“孩子”仍然是我们的首要任务,我们非常重视孩子的教育和发展。我们的教师不是教室里的独裁者, 教师是“被邀请的”进入我们孩子的世界。因此, 我们作为教育者的目标是尽可能丰富孩子的世界, 并给予他们必要的支持, 让教师成为孩子命中注定的人。这就是我们教师的工作环境和「孩子的故事」自始至终都珍视的工作氛围。

All in all, the children at Children’s Tales remain our number one priority. We place great emphasis on the education and development of our students. We are not dictators in our classrooms, we are invited into our children’s world. Therefore, our goal as educators is to enrich their world as much as possible and give them the necessary support for them to become the persons that they are meant to be. That is the kind of environment we work in and what we hold dear.